Thematic GIS Analysis of the Incidence of Chronic Undernutrition in Rural Communities in Guatemala, and its Relationship with Different Socio-economic, Geographic and Environmental Variables

El objetivo principal de este estudio es elaborar análisis SIG temáticos sobre la incidencia de la desnutrición crónica en comunidades rurales de Guatemala, así como su relación con diferentes variables socioeconómicas, geográficas y ambientales.

To this end, the following activities were carried out:

  • Identify and obtain databases from the Guatemalan Government, international organisations and development banks, with information disaggregated by municipalities in relation to economic remittances received, migratory flows, coverage of basic services, poverty incidence, any other information that helps to characterise factors that contribute to the nutritional status of children in Guatemala.
  • Georeference the databases generated by the 2008 and 2015 School Height Censuses in the Departments of Chiquimula and Huhuetenango.
  •  Carry out analyses supported by GIS tools.
  • Establish an average value of chronic malnutrition for each municipality of the republic in 2008 and 2015, and identify which have experienced improvement and which have worsened in the same period, reflecting this analysis in a corresponding thematic map, together with a table containing information disaggregated by municipality.
  • Identify and map 10 communities in Huehuetenango and another 10 in Chiquimula where chronic undernutrition in schools has increased the most between 2008 and 2015. The same analysis for as many communities where chronic malnutrition has decreased.
  • Prepare thematic municipal maps reflecting different socioeconomic variables; receipt of remittances (in absolute and per capita figures), incidence of poverty; migratory flows; other types of analysis depending on the availability of databases.
  • Prepare maps with analysis of the location of rural communities in Huehuetenango and Chiquimula, average values of chronic malnutrition that characterise them and their distance from the main roads (paved highways).
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