GIS Analysis of Drought in the Central American Dry Corridor, with Emphasis on the Department of Madriz (Nicaragua)

The months of July and August are characterised by a usual decrease in rainfall accumulations in Nicaragua, this phenomenon is known as canícula. In Central America, the canícula usually occurs from 10 to 20 July and from 5 to 15 August. However, in 2018 the canícula came earlier, especially in the eastern region and the central plateau. In the extended Dry Corridor, there were points where 24 to 32 days without rain were measured.

The main objectives of the consultancy are as follows:

  • Contribuir al conocimiento del impacto potencial del déficit de lluvia en el Corredor Seco Centroamericano, con énfasis en el Departamento de Madriz, Nicaragua.
  • Recopilar información agroclimática y de estado de la vegetación en Nicaragua.
  • Elaborar análisis y mapas de déficits de precipitación y estado de la vegetación en Nicaragua, durante el periodo de lluvias (mayo-septiembre de 2018)
  • Elaborar mapas temáticos de medios de vida relacionados con la producción de café y granos básicos en Nicaragua, con énfasis en el Departamento de Madriz, y área de influencia del Geoparque del Río Coco.
For this purpose, a detailed search of agro-climatic and livelihood information on Nicaragua and Central America was carried out, with special emphasis on rainfall data for the 2018 rainy season in both countries, the literature on the Central American Dry Corridor and the impact of droughts and climate change on small producers of basic grains was reviewed, together with experts from Action Against Hunger, analysed the rainfall deficit and its impact on vegetation according to the available agro-climatic information, prepared thematic maps of rainfall deficit and vegetation status for Nicaragua during the 2018 rainy season, with emphasis on the department of Madriz, and prepared a final report integrating the maps and their analysis, related to contextual information.
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