Over the last few weeks, a multidisciplinary group of around ten experts has been working on a collaborative handbook, produced as a network, under the name of Municipal mobility recommendations in view of the de-escalation of Covid 19. The publication contains useful information to assist municipalities in de-escalating from the confinement of the population by the Covid19According to La Ciudad Accesible, it is a document that integrates data, knowledge, experience and recommendations from environmentalists, architects, urban planners, geographers, health professionals, industrial engineers and different experts in physical activity, urban mobility and universal accessibility, as well as teachers and researchers from the UGR and URJC.
The coordinator is Manuel Jabalera and the editorial team includes Cristobal Medialdea, Antonio Tejada, Mariela Fernández-Bermejo, Palma Chillón, Jacinto Garzón, Jose Luís Mártinez, Alberto Mínguez, Agustín Aranzana, Jose Romero and Jordi Tatay.
The purpose of these municipal mobility recommendations in view of the de-escalation of the population's confinement due to the Coronavirus is to be at the disinterested service of municipalities and organisations, so that they can be implemented quickly and efficiently during the coming weeks, thus guaranteeing safe mobility in streets and public spaces, whether on foot or by bicycle. It is advised to make a correct inventory of public spaces that are prone to this lack of space, to elaborate the capacity of these spaces according to age and activity, to develop the new concept of 'Recommended Safe Space' and to directly give general guidelines and recommendations to the municipalities themselves.
In addition, a population study of the possible citizens demanding use in a given area of influence of these public spaces is proposed, the mobility of the population is analysed with safe streets and itineraries to travel, the impact that technological solutions can help to comply with and manage these recommendations is seen, as well as non-technological solutions that contribute to municipal management and inform the user about it are launched. All these issues are addressed from a scientific point of view and with extensive research processes carried out for this project over the last two weeks.
Por último, se espera que las recomendaciones del Gobierno sean unas recomendaciones más generales en un primer momento, con lo que este manual puede contribuir como estudio previo para preparar a los municipios y a sus ciudadanos ante esta inminente desescalada, ya que su objetivo también es enriquecerse en el futuro con esas medidas gubernamentales para aplicarlas a nivel municipal. Por la presente, este documento tiene en cuenta aspectos como la velocidad de desplazamiento de las personas teniendo en cuenta su diversidad o necesidades especiales como el ir en silla de ruedas o llevar un cochecito de bebé, las condiciones ambientales como el viento y la humedad, etc.
The information in this article has been obtained from the following newspaper Granada Hoy
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