Technical documentation for Enrollment as a Historical Heritage in the Catalog of the Andalusian Historical Heritage of the Hermitages of Córdoba

En este proyecto, encargado por la Delegación Territorial de Córdoba de la Consejería de Cultura y Patrimonio Histórico de la Junta de Andalucía, elaboramos la documentación técnica necesaria para la inscripción de las Ermitas de Córdoba en el catálogo general del patrimonio histórico andaluz como bien de interés cultural en la tipología de monumento.  Actualmente, este conjunto se compone de 13 ermitas situadas entorno a un núcleo central compuesto por una iglesia y las dependencias de los Padres Carmelitas.

Para que el complejo de las Ermitas de Córdoba sea admitido en este catálogo,  debe reunir una serie de características, cumplir ciertos requisitos, y ser evaluado. Algunos de los requisitos son los siguientes:

– Be a historical set relevant for its historical, archaeological, palaeontological, artistic, ethnological, industrial, scientific, social or technical interest.

– Be propierties of the Andalusian Ethnological Heritage linked to ways of life, culture, activities, and ways of production typical of Andalusia.

The document emphasizes that the location of the hermitages called Desierto de Nuestra Señora de Belén, located in a natural environmment in the foothills of Sierra Morena, has a high historical content of as it was inhabited in the seventeenth century by hermits and is a reference to the landscape of córdoba. In addition, the architectural complex created represents the material expression of the ways of life that illustrate the hermitism. In the present, the complex has acquired connotations that have given another meaning to the place, holding representative social value for the citizens of Córdoba, expressed in the opening of the complex of the Chapels to the development of social, cultural and touristical uses due to the historical and artistic interest of the buildings that make up the set as well as the movable property that is preserved in its interior.

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