The Virtual Course on Sample Designs organized by Action against Hunger and taught by experts from GIS4tech, a Spin-Off of the University of Granada with funding from the Directorate General of Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid of the European Commission (ECHO) and the Andalusian agency for Development Cooperation (AACID) it offers a practical approach and conceptual development of surveys at the household level; aims to contribute to create the competencies of professionals in humanitarian organizations, academic and public sector entities dedicated to the SAN information management providing the tools to develop the analysis of statistical data and rigorous in a practical way the different types of strategies and techniques of statistical sampling to work on its application in the areas of research.
The course addresses the foundation of the conceptual, practical and methodological concepts on probability sampling, sample design, calculation of the sample size and steps to be followed by sampling type, and adapted and updated content is used combining resources to facilitate learning, and it is provided a attendance/achievement certificate of the training. The course is organized for technical teams of Action Against Hunger Linked to the management and analysis of information on Food Security and Nutrition.
The overall aim of the course is to to train professionals of humanitarian organizations dedicated to the management of SAN information in order to improve the humanitarian response in regards to the food insecurity of regional and national actors in the Dry Corridor of Central america. All through the generation and analysis of information for food and nutritional security (SAN).
Some of the specific objectives are:
Module1: Sample Design
1.1. Objectives of the Module.
1.2. Introduction to the design and organization of surveys.
1.3. Introduction to the theory of sampling.
1.4. Basic types of sampling.
1.5. Advanced Types of sampling.
1.6. Sample size calculation
Ronny Meza
Data sciencetist in Gis4Tech dedicated to the processing of data, building predictive models and algorithms of data mining through the use of programming tools and former data analysis and information integration professor at the Central University of Venezuela.
Ursula Torres Parejo
Bachelor of Science and Statistical Techniques, a Phd from the University of Granada in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and a Professor in the Department of Statistics e I. O. University of Granada.
The course will be held online and supervised by a teaching expert. There are synchronous sessions, in which the tutor proposes videoconference sessions by at a particular time. In addition, a study of the contents asynchronously is proposed, where each person can study at the time and place they want. These contents are based on pills of video and self-assessment activities, dynamisation of forums or practical work and tutorials led by a teacher.
The course presents a combination of several resources with the goal of facilitating the learning of the key concepts that allow to apply the acquired knowledge:
• Videos. Presentation and explanation of key concepts.
• Sessions by videoconference. Via Google meet or Teams that will be recorded to make them available to the participants.
• Contents. There will be training pills of navigable content.
• Activities. Shares in the forums through reflections raised, self-assessment activities and activities guided by the teacher.
• Bibliography. Throughout the course several readings will be recommended, some of them are mandatory to allow to expand the theoretical content of the module and others are recommended to expand the knowledge and/or interest in specific topics.
The system of evaluation will consist of several activities:
1. To overcome the online training will be required to perform all of the activities and pass them successfully.
2. In addition, the participation in the forums and the attendance at the video-conferencing sessions will be essential.
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