The disciplines that work with the territory have been closely linked since their origins to the employment of different cartographies that are necessary to carry out territorial analysis and diagnostics and to translate the intervention proposals contained in constructive or research projects or in different technical reports or documents and articles own of the research process.
The widespread use of these "on paper" thematic cartographies has given way in recent years to a continuous digitization and vectorization of them, generating a huge amount of mapping information available in different servers, websites and databases, forming the spatial data Infrastructures (Sdis).
On the other hand, the use of this information requires a specific software, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which allows not only visualization, but also its processing, having it countless applications. Taking into account its applicability to the territorial issues, in recent years the Department of Urban and spatial Planning of the University of Granada has started to use this type of software in the Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports degree.
The choice for this course of two softwares (QGIS and ArcGIS) intends the students to be familiar with the way of working of the GIS regardless of the chosen software whether open source or commercial. Therefore, it seems imperative to move to the academic community, on the one hand, the access to the most important information sources and digital mapping, and on the other, some basic notions of the programs that allow its processing with the aim of improving their learning and make their work more efficient, in part, by the considerable saving of time that involves the use of these ICT´s
1. Theoretical basics: basic Concepts, data models, digital cartography, Spatial Data Infrastructures...
2. Introduction to ArcGis: the Structure of the Application.
3. Classification, symbolization and labeling with ArcMap.
4. Queries to the database. Selection Of Space.
5. Georeferencing.
6. Editing entities and tables.
7. Geoprocessing Basic tools.
8. Composition of Maps. Export and packaging project.
9. The Digital Terrain Models. Raster Features.
10. Reclassification and Overlay. Algebra Maps.
11. Analysis of a MDT. Derived Cartography. Slopes, orientations, visual basins, drainage network..
12. The ArcScene application. The 3D ArcGis viewer.
13. Practical applications to the territorial, urban and infrastructural planning,
14. Primary data sources. Cad to Gis.
15. Catalogs and data sources
16. Downloading data from the network, remote access to OGC services: WMS, WFS, WCS.
17. The Qgis software. Differences with respect to ArcGis.
18. Introduction to Qgis. Structure of the application.
19. Activation of suppliers and installation of plugins.
20. Classification, symbolization and labeling with Qgis desktop
21. Queries to the database. Selection of space.
22. Editing entities and tables.
23. Basic tools in geoprocessing.
24. Composition of maps. Export.
25. Application exercises.
Francisco Emilio Molero Melgarejo
Engineer, Doctor and Professor of Roads, Canals and Ports at the University of Granada in the Department of Urban and spatial Planning of the E.T.S. Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports.
He is a specialist in Urban planning, spatial Planning, Environment and Geographic Information Systems and a member of the Research Group called “Territorial Synergies” at the University of Granada. He has collaborated on several Urban Planning and Sustainable Mobility Plans and has been director of more than thirty Hydrological-Hydraulic Studies associated to the planning and in a great number of Environmental Impact Studies and Territorial Diagnostics. He has taught more than 50 training courses highly specialized in areas such as Geographic Information systems, river modeling in public and private entities among which we can highlight: EGMASA, Tragsatec, Foundation Institute for euro-Mediterranean Water, professional Association of Engineers of Roads, Channels and Ports, Assyce Group, IADEE Training, etc...
It is also worth noting his participation in the project of development of a Geographic Information System for the management of spaces and infrastructure for the Conservation service of the Board of trustees of the Alhambra, the distinction in several contests of ideas for projects of urban and territorial national and international level projects, and the publication of a dozen ofresearch articles in international journals.
His main lines of research are aimed at: The simulation in urban and territorial and The mapping of processes and flows applied to the planning.
Jorge Hernández Marín
Engineer of Roads, Canals, and Ports at the University of Granada and Master UNIGIS in Geographic Information Systems who is also a member of the Research Group “Territorial Synergies”, at the University of Granada.
He has worked as self-employed professional in the GIS sector and has performed works as a GIS technician and analyst in the private consulting field.
Founding partner and CEO of GIS4tech SL, a Spin-Off of the University of Granada, he works as a specialist in the application of Geographic Information Systems in Civil Engineering, especially in Water and Environment areas . Between the tasks carried out by him, the use of GIS is permanently involved. He has also participated in the drafting of projects, territorial diagnostics, environmental, impact studies, hydrological-hydraulic studies, data analysis and spatial networks, creation of DTMs using LIDAR technologies, the realization all kinds of maps (topographic, thematic, flows, processes, spatio-temporary, etc) that serve as the basis for the realization of projects and its planning.
He has conducted more than a dozen of training courses in Geographic Information Systems at all levels (from training at the basic level up to of highly specialized levels).
30 hours of supervised practical classes, 24 hours of on-site lessons and 6 hours of non-site lessons.
Students of the doctoral programmes of the Doctoral School of Science, Technology and Engineering.
Students who successfully passes the course will get a signed certificate of completion.
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