Identifying areas of concern with Artificial Intelligence

We are identifying areas of concern with Artificial Intelligence in Central America using a proprietary methodology. These communities are at risk of Food and Nutrition Insecurity, we are therefore attempting to characterize them through data analysis and statistical techniques based on sociodemographic, territorial and climatic information. The aforementioned is facilitating the prioritization of decision-making and support provided by NGOs based on the risk they present..

The procedure is as follows:

1. Grouping variables in a data warehouse

To estimate these areas of concern 100 thematic variables were selected that are directly or indirectly related to the Food and Nutrition Security and that influence it (agro-climatic, socio-economic and direct food and nutritional security).

All these variables are jointly included within a Data Warehouse and integrated in a homogeneous and structured way. Subsequently, an analysis model is estimated with an Artificial Intelligence process of unsupervised learning Artificial Neural Networks that generates profiles by means of a Self-Organizing Map (SOM).

Tabla de las variables escogidas para utilizar en la detección de zonas de preocupación que serán tratadas con Inteligencia Artificial

2. Generation of profiles to identify areas of concern.

In this case, the process has generated 15 profiles of individuals that are internally homogeneous and heterogeneous among themselves. That is, each profile has different characteristics, but among members of the same profile they are similar, since they meet the same characteristics.

Mapa autoorganizado SOM de calor en el que se muestran las variables que pertenecen o no a cada perfil y detectar zonas de preocupación en función de los perfiles

3. Specification of profiles by dimensions

The 15 profiles have been generated The values in green indicate positive and direct influence of the variable belonging to a dimension on the profile and the values in red are those that influence indirectly and negatively, which indicates which variables are affecting that profile the most.

For example, in the "Monitoring and remote sensing" dimension and, specifically in its biophysical variables, it can be observed that Profiles 8, 9, 13, 7, and 2, and to a lesser extent in Profile 12, all have very high SPI drought indices, which shows that rainfall is high, which influences the lack of problems in the basic grains and coffee plantations.

Dimensión de monitoreo y teledetección del mapa de calor autoorganizado SOM de los perfiles pertenecientes a esa dimensión

If we continue analyzing the general results of the "Territory" dimension, we can see that the lowest infrastructure ratio values are found in Profiles 15 and 11, coinciding with the municipalities with the largest surface area in absolute terms, which means that these territories take the longest time on average to reach a facility, either on foot or by car.

Analyzing the "Socio-economic" dimension, it can be seen that there is a singularly high population density in Profiles 12 and 10 and low in Profiles 8, 9, 13, 15, 11 and 4.

Dimensión de monitoreo y teledetección del mapa de calor autoorganizado SOM de los perfiles pertenecientes a esa dimensión para detectar zonas de preocupación

4. Generation of a map of areas of concern and the characteristics of their profiles.

As a final result we find This map shows the distribution of the 15 resulting profiles mentioned above, based on the 1053 municipalities studied throughout Central America: Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua..

In addition, it has been possible to draw conclusions about the problems they present and which are important enough to be evaluated and dealt with by NGOs and public bodies.

Mapa de Centroamérica que refleja las zonas de preocupación por perfiles en el que cada perfil presenta unas características sociodemográficas diferentes que lo hacen diferente a los demás

Profile 4

Worse agro-climatic indexes, food availability problems. Accessibility to medium-low level infrastructures and high access times to services. Access to equipment worse than average. Very high rate of chronic malnutrition in first grade schoolchildren.

Profile 10

Signs of drought. Good accessibility in times of access to volcanic risk services. High population density. High presence of women and children, and low elderly. Extremely high infant mortality. Extremely high incidence of poverty. Low Food Insecurity.

Profile 5

Positive Food Availability Index. Seismic and volcanic risks. Low presence of the elderly. Very high Food insecurity.

Profile 1

Most of the indices that negatively affect the SAN are in unfavorable ratios. Moderate levels of drought for some of the periodicities. Moderately high service access times.

Profile 11

Agro-climatic index characteristics of great concern. Low infrastructure levels with high access times to services. High infant mortality. Chronic Malnutrition in First Grade School Children.

Profile 15

Drought. Low infrastructure levels with high access times to services. High vaccination coverage. Very high infant mortality.

Profile 6

Agroclimatic indices of concern. Seismic, volcanic, hurricane and storm risks are somewhat high. Acute Malnutrition in Children under 5 years of age.

Profile 9

High precipitation rates. Low infrastructure levels. Low equipment ratios. High percentage of women of reproductive age.

Profile 3

Very worrying Agroclimatic indexes. Accessibility and presence of medium level services and equipment. Significant presence of young people and women of reproductive age. High presence of rural population. Does not appear to present food insecurity problems..

5. Livelihoods

These profiles are highly correlated with the concept of "Livelihoods" very often used by the humanitarian sector to differentiate between groups of people with different characteristics, and therefore different needs. However, these profiles are much more complete as they include many more variables and realities, which makes them more representative and useful for decision making.

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