Thematic Cartographies and Analysis Scheme of the Development of Bassikounou, Mauritania

This project is being carried out to respond to the uniqueness and complexity of the current problems in the area of Bassikounou, Mauritania, for which it was necessary to create and implement a new tool of planning and diagnosis in the environmental and social sustainability field, as well as the elaboration of a long-term territorial forecasting based on the development of different scenarios of the water resources evolution in the region of Bassikounou.

Specifically, some of the purposes for this project have included the implementation of plans for the development of the communities through the use of the ground, implementation of participatory democracy mechanisms to improve the lives of the communities and reduce the exclusion perception and the facilitation of access to basic services through the study of the possibilities of technological increase to promote the development of the area. In short, create favorable conditions for the economic growth of the area, decent employment, and peace.

El plan de desarrollo consiste en la ejecución de diferentes subproyectos: Estudios de Hidrología, Adquisición y Procesamiento de Imágenes Satelitales, Mapeo de la situación Socioeconómica de las Localidades de la Región, Mapeo de la Red Vial, Zonificación Ecológica, Desarrollo de Agricultura y Pastoralismo, Mapeo de Aptitudes y Capacidades, Análisis Urbano Detallado del Trazado de Vías y Carreteras, Análisis de Medidas Estructurales,  Desarrollo de una Zona Agrícola Productiva y Creación de un Mercado local y Desarrollo del Mercado Cárnico.

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