El jueves 23 de Junio representantes de GIS4tech acudieron a la Sede de la Agencia Española de Cooperación al Desarrollo en Madrid para participar como ponentes en el seminario “Alianzas Multiactor y Cooperación al Desarrollo. Potencialidad y Aportes del Sector Agroalimentario Español” convocada por la AECID, Acción Contra el Hambre España y ACODEA.
The seminar consisted of a rapprochement between public administration, companies, civil society organisations and universities to share and debate ideas on the changes needed to overcome problems such as hunger, poverty and climate change and to analyse how to solve important issues in the agro-climatic sector. The objectives of the event were to raise awareness of relevant European experiences of the Agri-Food Quadruple Helix (4HX-A), share experiences of agri-food actors and identify potential areas for collaboration and synergies with complementary entities, establish areas of common interest and possible sources of international funding.
During the presentation, Jorge Hernández, CEO and Founding Partner of the Granada-based company, gave a presentation focused on the Food and Nutrition Security prediction platform. “PREDISAN”, that GIS4tech is developing for Acción Contra el Hambre Centroamérica; and the application of Artificial Intelligence in the Anticipation of Food Crises in Central America and Venezuela. The other presentations were given by Agropolis, Netherlands Food Partnership, Agripooler and the Campus Internacional de Excelencia Agroalimentario.
Al finalizar, se realizó un taller participativo y una charla para sintetizar todos los puntos y llegar a puntos de acuerdo para la continuidad de la iniciativa de colaboración entre la administración pública, las empresas, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y las universidades, tan necesaria para el desarrollo en el sector agroalimentario mediante técnicas de Visual Thinking.
Part of the information in this news item has been obtained from the web site of Profith UGR
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